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美国华盛顿大学气象大师 Wallace
发布时间:2013-10-19 来源: 【字号:  
  Dear Guoxiong,
  I heard from Bin Wang yesterday that Professor Yeh has died. I am not surprised, in view of what you told me about his declining health just a few weeks ago, when I visited Beijing. His passing marks the end of an era in our field that starts with Rossby's legendary research group at the University of Chicago, passes through the dark night of the cultural revolution, and emerges into an extraordinary period of leadership of a fresh, new, vigorous scientific enterprise in China that continued remarkably late into his life. Professot Yeh not only witnessed these remarkable events: he played an important role in making good things happen, even during the darkest of times. I also remember him as a simple, humble man who very much enjoyed his family, his friendships, and the beauty of nature. I personally remember his (and his wife's) gracious hospitality when my wife and I visited his apartment in Beijing back in 1984 and I enjoyed hiking with him at Mt. Rainier a few years later (pls see attachment). I have not seen him in person in over 20 years, yet even just a few weeks ago I still felt a strong connection through you. He serves as a great example for us of how life after the age of 70 can continue to be productive. I am sorry I cannot be there in person for the ceremony to honor him but please be assured that I will be there in spirit.
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