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2017-09-04 软件研究所


  题目:Internet Investigation and Web Monitoring: a discussion about digital evidence quality and the chain of custody 


  地点:中科院软件研究所 5号楼4 中会议室 B401 

  演讲人:大卫-奥利维尔.雅凯-席费勒 教授(瑞士洛桑大 


  Digital traces can be physical or virtual. In a digital investigation, it is important to differentiate whether or not the expert has direct access to the physical device containing the digital evidence. When dealing with Internet investigation and web monitoring, the access to digital evidence is indirect. The presentation will discuss the impact of such an indirect access, on the acquisition process, on the quality of the information that can be retrieved, as well as on the chain of custody. In particular, like in quantum physics, the observation itself becomes an integral part of the retrieved information. As a consequence, this gives a fundamentally subjective component to this kind of digital evidence. Technical and organizational measures need to be adopted in order to minimize the impact of the observation and to strengthen the chain of custody. 


    Prof. David-Olivier Jaquet-Chiffelle is full professor at the School of Criminal Justice, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, where he started teaching in 2003. Since 2012, he holds the newly created chair in digital traces and identities. David-O. Jaquet-Chiffelle accomplished his PhD thesis in Mathematics at the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland. He spent a post-doc at Harvard University (Boston, USA) where he was also lecturer in the Department of Mathematics. Then, he strengthened his experience in cryptology while working for the Swiss government at the Swiss Federal Section of Cryptology. He has a long experience in projects related to identity, security and privacy. He has been very active in FIDIS (Future of Identity in the Information Society), a network of excellence of the 6th European framework program. He currently participates as a WP-leader in CANVAS (Constructing an Alliance for Value-driven Cybersecurity), an H2020 EU project. He is the inventor of one patent related to authentication processes, and co-inventor of two other patent applications linked to biometric pseudonyms. He regularly acts as an expert for the European Commission and is active in standardization bodies (NIST, ISO). His current research covers cybercrime, security and privacy, new forms of identities in the information society, as well as authentication, anonymization and identification processes, especially in the digital world. He was general chair of the International conference DFRWS EU 2016 (digital forensics) that was organized in Lausanne in March 2016. 

打印 责任编辑:侯茜


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