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2016-09-26 天津工业生物技术研究所


  报告题目Biorefinery Multi-scale Modelling — From fundamental to application   

  报告时间928日(周三) 09:30-10:30 


  报告简介A biorefinery is a facility that integrates biomass conversion processes and equipment to produce fuels, power, heat, and value-added chemicals from biomass. It is a promising alternative to replace petroleum fuel as a sustainable energy supplier. So far, conversion efficiency and cost are still big challenges to build a real biorefinery factory. Experimentally constructing and operating large-scale biofuel plants has experienced tremendous financial difficulties. This presentation will introduce an advanced tool - multi-scale modeling to explore fundamental issues such as essential mechanism and application problems such as new technology and process assessment that can address the aforementioned challenges. Multi-scale phenomena occur in a broad range of scientific and engineering areas including biorefinery. In recent years multiscale modeling and computation have been applied in many areas including biological system, material science, fluid mechanics, chemistry, and chemical engineering. It is widely recognized that multiscale techniques will become an essential part of science and engineering. The fundamental study is starting from cell-scale that is a basic unit in a fermentation process. In-house software should be developed to describe new concepts, multi-physics phenomena and essential mechanisms from micro-scale to macro-scale in a biorefinery process. High Performance Computing (HPC) can provide a powerful capacity to solve large-scale numerical equations for the hundreds and thousands of cells’ growth, movement and metabolism etc. The application research also has been conducted to design, scale-up and optimize the bioreactors and biorefinery processes. It is convenient to use a commercial software because its results has been examined and recognized as reliable information for industrial application. As examples, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to understand the flow behavior and biochemical reactions in aerobic and anaerobic fermentation. Process simulation was used to assess the techno-economically feasibility of forest residues – based biorefinery and anaerobic digestion – based biorefinery. The techno-economic analysis (TEA) modeling also helps to direct research activities by examining sensitivities of the prices to process alternatives and research advances.   

  报告人简介:郁亮,博士,美国职业工程师。1992年毕业于浙江大学后,在中国石油天然气集团公司新疆独山子石化公司工作将近9年,先后做过操作工、调度员和值班主任等工作,在传统能源行业积累了丰富的工程和生产实践经验。2004年于中国石油大学(北京)获得硕士学位,合作导师为石油化工领域知名学者高金森和徐春明教授;2008年于中科院过程研究所获得化学工程博士学位,合作导师为离子液体与绿色化工过程领域知名学者张锁江研究员;2012年于美国华盛顿州立大学获得生物与农业工程博士学位,合作导师为环境生物能源领域知名学者陈树林教授。另外,2012年参加并通过美国化学工程职业工程师资格考试,具备在美国从事工程设计和咨询的资质。之后留组在美国华盛顿州立大学继续从事科研、教学和工程开发工作,并于2014年兼任美国BEST, LLC.首席工程师。郁亮博士目前主要从事于生物环境与能源及化学品生产, 有机废弃物处理及养分回收, 设备与工厂设计,优化和放大, 多尺度集成模拟包括生命周期分析、过程模拟、计算流体动力学和分子模拟等。相关研究成果发表在AIChE J., Chemical Engineering Science, Fuel, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Applied Energy and Bioresource Technology等国际知名期刊上,共发表40余篇文章及多项中美专利。   

打印 责任编辑:麻晓东


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