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  文章来源:沈阳自动化研究所 发布时间:2014-10-31 【字号: 小  中  大   

  报告题目:Inorganic and hybrid nanomembranes: From flexible magnetoelectronics to micro-biorobotics

    人:Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt from  Institute for Integrative Nanosciences IFW Dresden,  Germany 


      点:中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所 R楼408会议室 


  Nanomembranes are thin, flexible, transferable and can be shaped into 3D micro- and nanoarchitectures.This makes them attractive for a broad range of applications and scientific research fields ranging from flexible magnetoelectronic devices to ultra-compact autonomous micro- and micro-biorobotic systems.If nanomembranes are differentially strained they deform themselves and roll-up into tubular structures upon release from their mother substrate. Rolled-up nanomembranes can be exploited to rigorously compact electronic circuitry, energy storage units and novel optical systems.If appropriate materials are chosen, rolled-up tubes act as tiny catalytic jet engines which in the ultimate limit may drive compact multifunctional autonomous systems for medical and environmental applications. If magnetic tubes are combined with flagella-driven sperm cells, such hybrid micro-biorobots offer new perspectives towards artificial reproduction technologies.

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