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  文章来源:长春应用化学研究所 发布时间:2014-10-14 【字号: 小  中  大   

  报告题目:Ultrafast spectroscopic study on interfacial electron transfer in solar cell nanomaterials 

  报 告 人:Dr. Akihiro Furube 

  单  位:National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan 

  报告时间:2014年10月16日 (星期四)上午10:00 

  报告地点:中国科学院长春应用化学研究所 实验主楼四楼学术厅 

  报告人简介:Akihiro Furube is currently a Senior Researcher of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan. He completed his PhD (1999) degrees at Osaka University under supervision of Prof. Hiroshi Masuhara. As postdoctoral research positions from 1999 to 2001, he worked at Osaka University, University of Texas at Austin, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Tokyo institute of Technology. In 2001 he became a Researcher in AIST and in 2006 he was promoted as a Senior Researcher. In 2008 for an additional post he was appointed as an Associate Professor at the University of Tsukuba. His research theme is ultrafast charge transfer dynamics using femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy.  

  报告摘要:To investigate ultrafast electron injection processes in the dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) and other relating solar cell materials, we have developed transient absorption spectroscopic systems with a ~100 fs time resolution in the wavelength region between 400 nm and 10 µm.1 We can observe transient absorption signals from not only dye molecules but also injected electrons in nano-crystalline semiconductors (usually TiO2). Also recently we have developed a new system based on diffuse reflectance geometry, which realized transient absorption measurements of DSSCs under operational conditions.2 Using these techniques, we have elucidated electron injection process depending on electrolyte solvents3. Additionally, some recent ultrafast spectroscopic studies on DSSCs using several kinds of dyes4-6 and metal nanoparticle sensitized TiO2 film7 will be presented. 

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