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  文章来源:长春应用化学研究所 发布时间:2014-09-23 【字号: 小  中  大   

  报告题目:Engineering Nanocrystals for Renewable Energy Devices and Sensors 

  报 告 人:郭少军 博士 

  单    位:Center for Advanced Solar Photophysics, Physical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Los Alamos National Laboratory 


  报告地点:中国科学院长春应用化学研究所 教育大厦6040 

  报告人简介:郭少军博士,吉林大学化学学院学士,于2005年保送中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,导师汪尔康研究员及董绍俊研究员。主要从事先进功能材料的设计合成以及催化和分析传感应用研究,于2010年12月获分析化学博士学位。博士学位论文被评为2012年中国科学院优秀博士论文。2011年1月前往布朗大学化学系师从孙守恒教授从事纳米催化、传感器和磁性材料等方面的研究。2013年6月入选美国洛斯-阿拉莫斯(LANL)国家实验室奥本海默杰出学者,与Victor I. Klimov教授合作,开展量子点多激子太阳能电池、场效应晶体管和光探测器等领域的研究。2014年6月,Thomson Reuters (ISI Web of Knowledge) 公布了全球“Highly Cited Researchers 2014”(2014高引用科学家)名录,郭少军博士入选化学学科高引用科学家,并被评为2002-2012年间世界顶尖200名化学家之一。

  报告摘要:Engineering nanocrystals with size, shape, composition, structure and strain control is highly desirable for the next generation renewable devices and sensors. In this seminar, I will focus on my recent developments in rational design and controlled synthesis of high-quality multicomponent nanocrystals for enhancing fuel cell reactions, lithium ion battery (LIB) and sensors. I will start with three examples on how to engineer FePt nanowires (NWs), FePtPd/FePt core/shell NWs and graphene-FePt nanoparticles (NPs) composite for getting advanced Pt-based catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction with extremely high activity and stability. Then, I will move to non-Pt catalysts such as graphene-Co/CoO NPs and M/CuPd NPs (M=Ag, Au), which exhibit comparable and even higher ORR activity and stability than commercial Pt catalyst. After that, I will show two interesting examples on how to engineer trimetallic NPs and NWs for enhancing methanol and formic acid oxidation reactions. Finally, my recent developments on the use of dumbbell-like PtPd-Fe3O4 NPs and MnO/C nanopeapods for achieving high-performance electrochemical sensor and LIB will be discussed.

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