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  文章来源:长春应用化学研究所 发布时间:2014-09-23 【字号: 小  中  大   

  报告题目:  Natural Product Synthesis via Dual-Mode Lewis acid Induced Cascade Cyclization and Biomimetic Approaches 

   告 人:  Chi-Sing Lee, Associate Professor   

      :  Peking University, Shenzhen Graduate School 

  报告时间:  2014年9月25日 (周四)上午 9:00 

  报告地点:  中国科学院长春应用化学研究所 教育大厦 6039 

  报告人简介:Chi-Sing Lee 


  B. Sc. Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA, 1989-1992 Ph. D. Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities, USA, 1993-1999 (Supervisor: Prof. Craig J. Forsyth) Postdoctoral Fellow Division of Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacia Corporation, USA, 1999-2001.


  Development of new cascade cyclization reactions and bio-inspired synthetic methods for total synthesis of bioactive natural products.

  报告摘要:Our research group has been focusing on target-driven synthetic methodology development for natural product synthesis. Our strategies included employing dual-mode Lewis acid (able to induce reactions via σ- and/or π-binding mode) for developing cascade cyclization reactions, which can establish the core structures of natural products in one pot, and biomimetic approaches. Based on these strategies, we have recently developed three new cascade cyclization reactions and one 2-pyrone Diels Alder cycloaddition, and have successfully applied these methods for the synthesis of a variety of natural products including (±)-platensimycin, (±)-platencin, (–)-teucvidin, (±)-basilolide B, (±)-yezo’otogirin C, (±)-clavukerin and the aglycon of (±)-dendronobiloside A. We have also finished the synthesis of the core structure of phomactin A. 

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