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  文章来源:天津工业生物技术研究所 发布时间:2014-07-29 【字号: 小  中  大   

  报告题目:Dancing with Bacillus for a Clean and Sustainable World 

  报 告 人:张晓舟美国Gate Fuels生物能源公司/Gate Fuels Inc. 技术总监、共同创始人及项目主持人)


  报告地点:中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所  C408会议室

  报告摘要:Bacillus species have been major workhorse industrial microorganisms with roles in science, wealth, environment and health related applications, which date back more than a thousand years. Bacillus enzymes currently make up about half of the world market for industrial enzymes that exceeds one billion dollars. Dr. Zhang has been working with Bacillus species for many basic and applied researches for more than 13 years and has been served as the Principal Investigator for many Bacillus related U.S. NSF and DOE funded innovative R&D projects. His talk will majorly focus on two parts: 1) Bacillus for biocontrol and biodegradation applications, and 2) Bacillus as a platform for biochemical production from lignocellulosic biomass. More specifically, he will discuss the brief history of Bacillus as an industrial enzyme producer, the development of highlevel expression and secretion systems in Bacillus, how to achieve efficient markerfree genome modification in Bacillus and how to use Bacillus as a powerful enzyme engineering platform.


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